12月23日HOME IN JAPANクリスマスパーティーChristmas Party on 23rd Dec Home In Japan

HOME IN JAPAN クリスマスパーティー

English version is below.


活動する団体「HOME IN JAPAN」による


[京王井の頭線(けいおういのかしらせん)池ノ上駅(いけのうええき)徒歩3分] http://ikenouedojo.com/

★申込フォーム: 申し込みはこちらから
★お問い合わせ(おといあわせ) homeinjapan815@gmail.com
ホームページ: https://lit.link/homeinjapan



★場所 (ばしょ):カラオケ館下北沢2号店
Link: カラオケ館下北沢2号店

Home In Japan Christmas Party!

We are excited to announce that Home In Japan, our vibrant multicultural community, is hosting an enchanting international gathering on December 23rd at the Ikenoue Studio. Join us for a festive Christmas party filled with tasty food and delightful drinks!!

Christmas Party at Ikenoue Studio

★Date and Time : December 23 (SAT) 5pm -7pm (JST)
★Place:Ikenoue Studio 2nd floor (within 3 minutes, walkable distance from Ikenoue station on Inokashira Line) http://ikenouedojo.com/
★Fee:: 2,000yen 
While this event is primarily designed for adults, we warmly welcome children accompanied by participants. Elementary school students can join for ¥500, and children under 6 enter for free.
★Application form: Please submit your application on this linked page.
★Application deadline : December 16 (SAT)

They are also organizing a Karaoke event in Shimokitazawa just before the Christmas party, running from 1 pm to 4 pm. Join us for both events and immerse yourself in the festive spirit while making new friends this holiday season!

Karaoke Party in Shimokitazawa

★Date and Time : December 23 (SAT) 1p-4pm
★Place:Karaoke-kan Shimokitazawa nigooten (Second branch)
Link (Map): karaoke-kan second branch

★Meeting place: inside the entrance
★Fee:1,000 yen
Inquiries :homeinjapan815@gmail.com
Webpage: https://lit.link/homeinjapan

The event organizer is a group called Home In Japan, with the aim of fostering a friendly multicultural community. The group’s founders all have international backgrounds: one was born and raised in Japan as the child of immigrant parents, another is an attorney actively involved in foreigners’ human rights, and the third is a Japanese language teacher at a university with experience growing up abroad. Their objective is to support newcomers in integrating into Japanese society. Since their organization is registered and subsidized by Setagaya Ward, Setagaya residents are most welcome at their events.